The Essential Unix / Linux Reference
Fri, Sep 8, 2000
One-minute read
My friend got a great Unix reference the other day – a $14 buy from one of those “up to 80% off” computer discount bins. No matter how hard I looked, though, I couldn’t find one worth buying second hand.
Rather than spend the fifty bucks on a new Unix / Linux command reference, I decided to create my own: an edited and compiled version of the almighty manpages for 39 of the most used (and useful) Unix / Linux commands.
Topics include:
awk, bc, chgrp, chmod, chown, cp, cron, csh, cut,
date, df, diff, env, expr, find, grep, kill, ln, ls, make,
man, mv, nroff, od, printf, ps, script, sed, shutdown,
sleep, sort, sum, tar, tr, troff, uniq, wc, which, who
Download the Reference:
PDF Version 2 – Feb 21 2001 (629 kb).
Formatted, pretty headings, pages numbered and referenced by a table of contents.Text Format (681 kb)
A cleaned up version of the original manpages. Great if you want to do text searches or implement your own help system.