Obfuscated PowerShell

Wed, Jun 6, 2007 One-minute read

For some reason, a surprisingly common (albeit half-joking) remark about PowerShell is that it hasn’t “arrived” until you can write obfuscated one-liners like you do in C or Perl. They may have missed Adam’s obfuscated script (http://www.proudlyserving.com/archives/2005/11/obfuscated_mona.html,) or this email quoting / wrapping one-liner: http://www.leeholmes.com/blog/2006/10/25/email-quoting-and-wrapping-in-59-bytes/. While I normally try to clarify and educate, here’s another script to make your eyes burn:

  ') ""'+        '"")[' + '($_*' + '3)..' +
'($_*'+        '3+2)' + '])""' + ' })"'|iex

[Edit: Added a missing something-or-other]