Accepting Pipeline Input in PowerShell Scripts and Functions

Tue, Aug 15, 2006 3-minute read

This has been coming up a bunch in the last little while, and I realized that I haven’t had a very good resource to point people to when they ask how to make a script or a function deal with pipeline input.

Scripts, functions, and script blocks all have access to the $input variable, which provides an enumerator over the elements in the incoming pipeline.  When pipelining is a core scenario, though,  these constructs also support the cmdlet-style statement blocks of begin, process, and end.  In those blocks, the $_ variable represents the current input object.  Along this line, a Filter (get-help about_Filter) is just a shorthand representation of a function whose body is composed entirely of a process block.

The following script gives an example of using the cmdlet-style keywords in a script.  It is an update to a script I wrote nearly a year ago: a PowerShell Hex Formatter.

## format-hex.ps1
## Convert a byte array into a hexadecimal dump
## Example usage:
## get-content 'c:\windows\Coffee Bean.bmp' -encoding byte | format-hex | more
## Convert the input to an array of bytes.  This is a strongly-typed variable,
## so that we're not trying to iterate over strings, directory entries, etc.
## [byte[]] $bytes = $(foreach($byte in $input) { $byte })

    ## Store our header, and formatting information
    $counter = 0
    $header = "            0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  A  B  C  D  E  F"
    $nextLine = "{0}   " -f  [Convert]::ToString($counter, 16).ToUpper().PadLeft(8, '0')
    $asciiEnd = ""

    ## Output the header

    ## Display each byte, in 2-digit hexidecimal, and add that to the left-hand
    ## side.
    $nextLine += "{0:X2} " -f $_

    ## If the character is printable, add its ascii representation to
    ## the right-hand side.  Otherwise, add a dot to the right hand side.
    if(($_ -ge 0x20) -and ($_ -le 0xFE))
       $asciiEnd += [char] $_
       $asciiEnd += "."


    ## If we've hit the end of a line, combine the right half with the left half,
    ## and start a new line.
    if(($counter % 16) -eq 0)
       "$nextLine $asciiEnd"
       $nextLine = "{0}   " -f [Convert]::ToString($counter, 16).ToUpper().PadLeft(8, '0')
       $asciiEnd = "";

    ## At the end of the file, we might not have had the chance to output the end
    ## of the line yet.  Only do this if we didn't exit on the 16-byte boundary,
    ## though.
    if(($counter % 16) -ne 0)
       while(($counter % 16) -ne 0)
          $nextLine += "   "
          $asciiEnd += " "
       "$nextLine $asciiEnd"


Keith Hill gives a good example of this technique as well in his Format-Xml function.